It feels like doctors are more unsatisfied with their work than ever. Complaints about “the circumstances“, “the administration“ and „the expectations” have reached an all-time high. Here is how to change the perspective and three steps to get started on your way to the top.

Here are the top three complaints I hear every day:
- Nobody teaches me something.
- I am never invited to conferences in Hawaii.
- My workflow is organized poorly.
This constant “nagging-noise“ demotivates not only themselves but most of the people around them. The foundation of this entitlement mentality is the perception that we save lives and thus deserve better. Somebody else – mostly the „administration“ – ought to solve all of these problems.
But the truth is:
Nobody owes us anything. As soon as someone has given you a job and adheres to the contract, that’s it. They have done their job. Nobody owes us a great career, research papers, authorships, conference travel arrangements or any of those nice things.
We are responsible for that. No administration will organize our workflow and no boss will look after our career. That is our responsibility.
All of these nice things have to be earned by us. How?
Start right now with these steps:
- Stop complaining and use the time to ask the question:
What can I do right now to solve this problem? - Set goals you want to achieve in the next three months. Finish a paper? Go to a conference? Think about how you can reach these goals and ask your mentor whether he has tips for you what YOU can do to reach these goals.
- Work. Hustle. Let’s go!