Hospitals have one great advantage over general companies. You don’t have to spend a whole lot of money hiring consultants to find out if you make a good job. You just have to be honest and ask yourself this one question: “Would you go there if you were sick?”

But in the end it all comes down to this: Would you or wouldn’t you go there, if you were sick?
The clinic I work in is not only my 2nd home, but also the best place I know for medical treatment in this big part of the world. Worth every wait. (by the way it went fast, and I was treated very nicely, even though nobody knew I was a doctor, but that’s not the point.)Are we willing to oversee first world problems like food, waiting time and so on?
For me no question. Medical excellence is more important than food and one-bed rooms.
So what if the answer is no, you wouldn’t wanna be treated, where you work? Ask yourself why? Is it because of the food or other superficial reasons?
By the way the right question….