How To Get Your Dream Job

Starting a rotation at your dream institution and you really want a job there? A residency position? A fellowship spot? There is one way to that: Hustle. Work like you have never worked before. Work your butt off. Here is how:

It happens at the beginning of every rotation. If you are not a pretty girl, you won’t be invited to do all the procedures from day one. And doctors won’t use their precious time to teach you all about everything. At many internships you probably won’t be noticed for a week. (Or am I the only one that happens to?)

Most doctors won’t be that happy to have another intern with them, because mainly that costs him extra time.

So don’t be discouraged if you don’t find a red carpet and a “Welcome”-sign on your first day.

Step 1: Don’t stand in the way.

Many interns try to impress me by asking really fancy questions. Don’t.
Most doctors are not impressed by fancy questions you ask, because many times they won’t even have the answer. So basically you make them look stupid and you cost him time. That won’t really get you any sympathy points. And if you are really interested in that topic, you can do a pubmed-research.

What does get their attention is when you start to help them.

Step 2: Use the first days:

Watch what the doctors do. Listen to what they talk about and try to start to think the way they think and start to understand how they tick.

Step 3: Now start working:

Now get into a position where you can be of help to your mentor:

  • Read the patient’s chart.
  • Take another history.
  • Do another physical.
  • Ask the nurse in charge if any of the patients need our attention.
  • Look for problems you can solve.
  • Study the lab values of his patients and
  • Bring IMPORTANT information to his attention.
  • Get him coffee.

Again, if you want to impress your mentor: Be of help.

Many interns think: I’m here to be taught something, to learn something. Well, this is how you learn. Not by waiting for someone to teach you stuff, but by working your butt off. Know your mentors duties and try to help him. He’ll have more time afterwards for you!

And even if you don’t get a job offer afterwards: If you do it like this your mentor is gonna say: That one knows how to work, and he’ll be sorry, that you leave. And you will have learned a ton, and that’s what counts.